How Far Along: 25 Weeks
Gender: Boy
Weight Gain: Like 20 pounds? I still haven’t found the scale! Whoops.
Maternity Clothes: Yup!
Sleep: Sleeping ok, when your sister lets me!
Best Moment This Week: Haha.. Disney! It was SO NICE! It was just Mommy, Daddy and Emma, so we were able to actually “relax” if that makes sense when talking about Disney! But there was no rush, no pressure to always be on the go, we got to do what we wanted, and NOT do what we didn’t want. Seeing Elsa light up the castle was AMAZING! So so beautiful for sure!
Worst Moment This Week: Ugh, Mommy had one rough day at work…
Miss Anything: Being able to lift things! I have to depend on Daddy to do things around the house that I can do myself, but not right now because you’re in my belly. It just stinks having to ask him to do this and do that, and depending on him to do it whenever he can, isntead of me just being able to get it done myself right away.
Movement: Yes!!! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Cravings: Salami! Basically all lunch meat. But I did have rice, beans and chopped chicken like 3 times this week! I don’t know, that’s what I wanted haha!
Queasy or Sick: Queasy sometimes.
Have You Started To Show Yet: Yes
Gender Prediction: You’re a boy!
Labor Signs: No!
Belly Button In or Out? Flat/Out.. Gross!
Wedding Rings On or Off? On!
Happy or Moody Most of the Time: Happy! 🙂
Looking Forward To: Thanksgiving while pregnant haha! Last year your sister was 2 months old, so I wasn’t pregnant, but I did eat a lot since I was nursing. We’ll see how much I can eat while pregnant, I’m very curious! Haha.
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