How Far Along: 25 Weeks
Weight Gain: About 18 pounds.
Stretch Marks? Nope! I can definitely see veins on my belly and my linea nigra is now showing up above my belly button.
Maternity Clothes: I got some maternity tops since they’re stretchy on the side and most of my regular shirts are beginning to look tight and some ride up.
Sleep: Has been terrible this week due to me being sick.. I know! Again!
Best Moment This Week: SEEING my belly move! And partial nursery reveal to some of the family. Now all we need is to decorate it more!
Worst Moment This Week: Being super sick. I think I have a sinus infection.. I’m pretty sure. I gave in and took some Tylenol because I was so miserable after a whole entire day with a migraine. I just needed some relief. I was so bad that the Neti Pot didn’t even work because I was too congested, the water wouldn’t go through to the other side!
Movement: She’s dancing around in there, it’s much more intense than before, I can’t even imagine how it’s going to be in the third trimester haha.
Cravings: Cake and strawberry milkshakes.
Queasy or Sick: Queasy in the mornings.
Have You Started To Show Yet: Yes, even Baby Girl’s kicks show through haha.
Gender: It’s a girl!
Labor Signs: None
Belly Button In or Out? I don’t even know. It’s not in, but it’s not poking out… So I guess in the middle?
Wedding Rings On or Off? On.
Happy or Moody Most of the Time: Happy, besides being sick. But that’s not baby’s fault!
Looking Forward To: Picking a name. Everyone has been calling her this one name I’ve always loved, just because they know I like it. But we will see! Hubby needs to decide.. It actually makes me mad, and you don’t wanna mess with a pregnant woman!!