How Far Along: 34 Weeks
Gender: Boy
Weight Gain: 32 lbs
Maternity Clothes: Yup!
Sleep: Waking up a few times every night.
Best Moment This Week: Getting to celebrate you! We had a baby sprinkle at the house and it was so cute and sweet. 🙂
Worst Moment This Week: Body pains. :/ My belly is starting to get very heavy, and it just feels sore and like there’s pulling and pressure.
Miss Anything: Having complete control of my body lol.
Movement: Tons! My alien baby!
Cravings: Nothing really, I haven’t had a lot of cravings this pregnancy!
Queasy or Sick: Nope! 🙂
Have You Started To Show Yet: Yes
Gender Prediction: You’re a boy!
Labor Signs: None! But what would I know about labor signs? I never had any with your sister! Lol.
Belly Button In or Out? Flat/Out
Wedding Rings On or Off? On! 🙂
Happy or Moody Most of the Time: Happy! 🙂
Looking Forward To: Shopping for the rest of the things we need for you, and finishing up your nursery! ♥
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