How Far Along: 35 Weeks
Gender: Boy
Weight Gain: 33lbs
Maternity Clothes: Yup!
Sleep: Still waking up a bunch of times during the night. :/ And I sweattttt!
Best Moment This Week: Winning Field Day! First year in 5th grade, and we did it right!!! In it to win it! Mommy was screaming, and jumping up and down. Everyone was yelling at me for jumping haha, but since when can’t pregnant women jump in excitement? It was so fun, and I was in the zone! You’ll see, if you ever play sports, you’ll have your crazy mom cheering for you! 😉 Sorry in advance.
Worst Moment This Week: None! 🙂
Miss Anything: Ugh, I’m sorry little man, but mommy just misses having control of her own body. As much as I love having you all to myself, in my belly, where only I feel you all day, I’m ready to have you out! At the same time I’m not ready because I want a March Baby! Haha! And I don’t want to leave my students yet either!
Movement: Alien moves!!! You hurt Mommy sometimes when you move. It’s probably because you’re crowded in there lol!
Cravings: Hmmm Jimmy John’s! I may or may not have had a sandwich this week. Whoops!
Queasy or Sick: Neither
Have You Started To Show Yet: Yes
Gender Prediction: You’re a boy!
Labor Signs: None! 🙂
Belly Button In or Out? Out/Flat
Wedding Rings On or Off? On!
Happy or Moody Most of the Time: Happy! 🙂
Looking Forward To: You! ♥
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