Since I got pregnant with Emma, my two dogs Cooper and Zoey became extra alert and protective, barking at everything and anything to the point where it was so annoying that I couldn’t take it anymore.
Being pregnant and extra sleepy, I loved coming home after work and taking a nap, which was always cut super short by my crazy dogs barking at the mail man who was delivering yet another package full of baby stuff. I went a little overboard with online shopping, more than I would usually do, so this was like a daily thing, sometimes multiple times a day!
It got to the point where I started taping messy handwritten signs to the door:
“Do Not Knock!” “Please Call Me, Do Not Knock!”
Then Emma comes along and now the barking dogs are waking up the baby…
What a disaster it was in this house!
I searched all over Easy to find a sign I loved, and the only things I found were either not cute, or just vinyl stickers, and I wanted something nicer than just stickers!
Then one day, I ran into Leila Blanche Designs‘ Instagram page and right away fell in love with her handmade signs. I was so excited when she wanted to collaborate with me!
Leila can make her signs to say whatever you want them to say.
From “Do Not Ring Doorbell” to “Do Not Knock” to “Do Not Ring Doorbell, Knock Softly”, Leila can make your sign perfect for what you need. 🙂
Check out my beautiful completely handmade, awesome wooden door sign.
( Yes, it says BABIES because eventually there will be more than one baby in this house, and I want to be able to use this sign for as long as I can! 🙂 No, I’m not pregnant again. )
Make sure to check out Leila Blanche Designs and my Instagram for a chance to win your own handmade sign!