Today I wanted to show you a super easy Easter Bunny Craft!
What You’ll Need:
White Foam Sheet
Pink Foam Sheet
Blue Foam Sheet
Orange Foam Sheet
Green Foam Sheet
Black Foam Sheet
Googly Eyes
I purchased our pre-made set at the Dollar Tree, but it’s easy enough to make on your own if you don’t have the pre-made one.
All you need to do is to trace and cut out a bunny shape out of the white foam sheet, then trace and cut out ears, a nose and cheeks out of the pink foam sheet, lips in black, then the carrot in orange, carrot top in green – that’s it!
Our pre-made set came with sticky backs, so that was easy!
But all you need is a glue stick to glue the pieces onto your bunny!
Owen needed a little help taking the back off the sticky pieces, and Emma was so glad to help – I love when the kids work together, it makes me so happy!
The kids had fun making their bunnies, I told them that we could put them on the fridge when they were done, and I guess they wanted to put it on THEIR play kitchen fridge lol, cause that’s what they did! 🙂
Look at those proud faces and extra cute Play Kitchen! 🙂
I love the way they came out, and the kids were so happy with the final results.
Happy almost Easter!