So I’m clearly all about social media.
I have a special Instagram just for my pregnancy journey (and soon to be baby) on top of my own, my hedgehog’s and my business, Facebook, Twitter (which I don’t even really use lol) and of course I have this blog where I share a lot about my life!
One thing that drives me nuts is when other people share things about you and your life before you get to do it yourself.
Whether it be an engagement, a wedding, or like in my case right now, a birth.
Not only that, some people post pics of other people that make you say WTF, really?
No way they would appreciate having a picture of themselves like that all up on the internet!!!
With that said I’m kind of having anxiety over my delivery day and what kind of horrible pictures people are going to take and post of me in labor, and also freaking out over the first picture the world will see of my Baby Girl.
I want to make sure it’s a good picture, she’s going to be making her world debut lol!!!
At the same time I don’t want my family and friends to feel like they can’t take pictures of their experience of my Baby Girl’s arrival, that’s not it at all!!!! But it’s a private moment, a very private moment, and I would like to have control of what’s out there for the world to see, you know?
So after thinking about it I decided to make a sign for the hospital door so before people come in they can read it, and know that I am 1,000% OK with them taking allllll the pictures they want, but also have the courtesy to wait until my husband and I announce our new arrival first.
I have an awesome family and super cool friends, so I don’t think they’ll think it’s a big deal at all, but I just want to send my message without having to repeat myself a bunch of times and be awkward.
I made a blank girl version and boy version of the sign I created in case any of you expecting mamas like the idea and would like to use it for your delivery day!
I’m going to print my sign on cardstock, laminate it and tape it to the hospital door, and maybe even put one in the room in case people miss the sign on the door for some reason!