When I was pregnant with Emma, I was all about packing the best hospital bag!
I wanted to make sure that I only packed things I needed, and not have a bunch of things thrown in my bag that I probably wouldn’t use.
After lots of research and advice from other moms I feel like I came up with the “perfect” hospital bag! Well, at least for me it was.
You can see my first Mommy’s Hospital Bag Post here.
You will notice that most of the things I chose to pack are similar, but adding or removing some things here and there.
Lets get started!
What I’m Bringing:
° Dry Shampoo– Life saver. Your hair will get so greasy, especially after pushing a baby out lol! And honestly, instead of packing shampoo and conditioner it was so much easier to just put some dry shampoo in my hair to refresh!
° Soap– I don’t like the soaps that are offered at hospitals, hotels, etc. They always feel gross on my skin.
° Toothbrush, Toothpaste & Mouthwash– No bad breath here!
° Deodorant– Because that’s just a must lol!
° Baby Wipes– Even though they provide baby wipes for your baby at the hospital, I am packing my own! I love The Honest Company brand, and their wipes are a favorite. I use them for everything!
° Bio-Oil– I love this oil! If my skin is dry or itchy, I lather this baby on. It’s the best!
° Bronzer– Even though you won’t need to apply bronzer before you start pushing, since your face will be SO RED lol, it’s nice to be able to put it on for pictures with your visitors after baby comes!
° Chap Stick– Now I know first hand that your lips get dry and chapped while going through labor, so a chap stick is a must for me! I love Burts Bee because it’s minty and feels so nice on my lips.
° Waterproof Mascara– Waterproof so it doesn’t rub everywhere! I have tried a lot of different mascaras throughout the years, but I always love Maybelline’s Define-A-Lash because it makes my lashes look super long and pretty!!!
° Hair Ties– Long hair problems! And thank goodness I had some the first time around because in between pushing I asked my friend who was shooting my birth story to braid my hair for me haha! I love the Goody Ouchless Hair Ties! Been using them since forever!
° Hair Brush– I love the Wet Brush because wet or dry, they get through tangles without hurting!
° Razor– For some reason I did not pack razors last time and I wish I did! Spending 3 days in the hospital.. Your hair grows lol! Enough said.
What I’m not Bringing:
° Perfume– Even though I love to smell good I don’t want to irritate the baby, so I’m keeping the perfumes at home.
° Blow Dryer & Straightener– Cause I don’t bother doing my hair at the hospital.
What I’m Bringing:
° Cameras & Chargers- I took four cameras last time and only used one. Lesson learned. This time I’ll only be taking.. Two. Haha! But that’s because I have my Canon Rebel T3i and my Canon 6D, which I’m the only one who knows how to work properly. With that said, I’ll throw my Canon Rebel T3i around, and use the Canon 6D myself. 🙂
° Phone & Extra Long Charger- My extra long charger was amazing!!! This is the one I got. And of course, the phone I feel like is a must have, not only will it keep you distracted and entertained, it’s also a pocket camera, and your connection to the world outside your hospital room.
What I’m not Bringing:
° iPad & Charger– Brought it last time and didn’t even use it. I have an iPhone and that was enough.
° Video Camera & Charger– Last time I did not use my video camera and till this day I am so upset at myself for that. I am not bringing it this time because it was too much, and I can use my camera and/or phone to make nice videos.
What I’m Bringing:
° Customized Hospital Gown– I ordered a customized hospital gown off of Etsy for when I went to the hospital when I was going to deliver Emma, and I loved it! So of course I got one for this baby too. This one from Baby Be Mine Maternity has buttons on the back so my butt isn’t out the whole time, but at the same time it has access for the doctor and nurses to do whatever they need to do. Plus, pictures! I want to look cute, instead of wearing the ugly green gowns the hospital provides. No shame. I chose the Celeste Print for my hospital gown.
° Nursing Gown– I love these gowns! They have a super stretchy top so I can bring out the boobs easily to nurse baby lol. These gowns also from Baby Be Mine Maternity are AMAZING! I bought my first one when I was pregnant with Emma and since then I’ve stocked up because I love them so much! I use them in the hospital, and also almost every day at home while nursing. These nursing gowns will be my “uniform” at home for the first couple of weeks of nursing baby. Who am I kidding, Emma isn’t nursing anymore and I STILL wear them all the time, haha. I chose the Michele Print for my hospital nursing gown, and I also got one in the Annabelle Print! With Emma I got the Estelle Print and after washing and wearing it so much it’s still as good as new, which is a huge plus! I’m telling you, I live in these gowns at home!
° Robe– Last time I packed a fluffy one and a cotton one for variety, and I only wore the cotton one. It came in handy when I didn’t feel like wearing clothes, I was covered up and comfy! So this time I’m only bringing a cotton one from Baby Be Mine Maternity that matches my nursing gown. It will also match Baby Boy’s Gown & Hat Set! Seriously, who said Mommy & Baby Boys can’t match?! I am so excited!!! I again chose the Michele Print for the robe and Baby Boy’s Gown & Hat Set. Baby Boy’s nursery is star themed, and because I LOVE stars, I instantly fell in love with that print for baby & I. You can get the full set for Mommy & Baby here.
° Non-Slip Socks– Non-Slip socks are great for walking around when you don’t want to wear shoes because they have these gummy things on the bottom so you don’t slip. How cute are these “Labor Socks“?! Baby Be Mine Maternity has so many different styles to pick from! This time I chose the “It’s a Boy!” one because, it’s a boy!!!! 🙂
° Slippers– Another choice besides socks. I used them last time!
° Going Home Outfit– I chose a cute and comfy maternity dress, because even though you’re not pregnant anymore, it’s nice to wear something bigger and comfortable after giving birth.
What I’m Not Bringing:
° Flip Flops– Took them last time and never wore them. I wore socks and/or my slippers only.
° Extra Outfits– Too much to pack, and trust me, you won’t use them! You will either be in a hospital gown, comfy gown or a robe lol!
What I’m Bringing:
° Nursing Bras– Self explanatory, has the clip that comes down. This Bravado Nursing Bra is amazing! So comfortable and great for nursing. I washed and wore mine so much that I had to buy more! Such a great investment if you are going to nurse.
° Boy Shorts AKA Huge Underwear– Wear these to the hospital when you go give birth (if you have time!). They are super comfy and until they make you strip down, these are nice. I especially like these Fruit of the Loom ones.
° Depends– LADIES TRUST ME ON THIS ONE!!!!!! Embarrassing, yes, but you’ll want to be as comfortable as possible, and since I cannot stand pads, especially the super heavy and thick ones they’ll have for me to wear after birth, these were a must at the hospital and at home! I found this kind, it’s an active fit, so it’s not too thick or bulky and definitely does the trick. Plus they have it in beige and black, so depending (haha) on what color clothes you are wearing, they are easy to blend in.
° Gel Nipple Pads– For relief. The hospital gave me a pair, but it was nice to have my own, so every time I needed some relief, I always had one pair cooling in the fridge to switch out with.
° Nipple Cream– For relief too! And, if you forget your chap stick, you are all set! 🙂
What I’m Not Bringing:
° Nursing Tank– I brought one last time and never used it. You’re exposed most of the time anyway, so the nursing tank won’t make a difference until you’re home.
° Extra Boy Shorts– Brought them last time and didn’t get to wear them since you’re basically in a human diaper or in your birthday suit 99% of the time. These are definitely a must have for home though! Especially if you’re recovering from a natural birth, ouch! Comfort over Cuteness! And like I mentioned above, wear a pair to the hospital!
° Nursing Pads– I packed them last time, but I personally never needed them in the hospital since my milk didn’t come in full blast right away. Plus, I was nursing so much that I don’t think there was a chance for leakage. If you’re a first time mom I would say pack them just in case, because you don’t know what your body will do since it’s your first time.
° Pads & Mesh Underwear– Hospital will provide. Make sure to ask for extra so you can take some home!
° Baby Book– To get his foot prints!
° Gum– I know lots of people will be all up in my face, and if for some reason it’s before I have time to go brush my teeth, I’ll be popping some gum in my mouth, I cannot stand bad breath lol! And I’ll also offer some to people if I have to, hahahaha!
° Pillow– Just to have my own comfy one to lay on. I got a matching pillow case and hospital gown set from Baby Be Mine Maternity so my pillow won’t get lost in the sea of hospital pillows they put in your bed! I chose the Celeste Print set.
° Blanket– I missed having my own comfy blanket last time, so I am definitely bringing one this time.
° Black Towel– Hospital towels aren’t the comfiest, and dark towels are best so they won’t stain.. ew. LOL!
° Snacks– I definitely wished I took some snacks, and this time I will! Yes, people brought me food and snacks, but it would have been nice to just have my snacks there to eat whenever I wanted, as long as I was allowed of course, and I would also like to have some water bottles handy!
So, what did you mamas take to the hospital for yourself?
What am I missing? What did you take that you didn’t use?
What didn’t you take that you wish you would have?
Let me know in the comments!