⭐️⭐️⭐️ SIX ⭐️⭐️⭐️ My Baby Boy is SIX! 🥲 Six is such a big number to me! I feel like after 5 these kids just start to grow and mature extra fast! My wild, loud, crazy, fun, sweet, caring, adorable, smart boy.. Mommy loves you so much! 💙 Last night when I put you to…
watch owen grow
✨✨✨✨✨ FIVE ✨✨✨✨✨ My “baby” boy is FIVE today!!! He has grown sooo much this past year! I think the most ever in 1 year!! 💚 He is so smart, so funny and absolutely obsessed with video games! 🎮 He loves school, loves homework, and loves to learn! 🤓 He’s doing an amazing job reading,…
Baby Boy, YOU ARE THREE!!! WHAT??? HOW??? I can’t believe that my “baby”, my youngest is a 3 year old! WOW!!! Watching you grow is bittersweet because of course I’m happy that you’re healthy and growing and thriving, but the older you get the more I miss you being my little baby. You LOVE PJ…
My Baby Boy!!! You are 18 Months!!!! That is so crazy to me! Looking back at these 18 Months kind of makes me sad, because I feel like they went by so fast. I don’t remember your earlier days. Thankfully we have many pictures, and many videos to look back at, but for some reason…