How Far Along: 32 Weeks
Weight Gain: About 28 pounds.
Stretch Marks? No!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂
Maternity Clothes: Yes. Unfortunately even a XS Petite pair of maternity jeans are big on me! They sag, it’s so annoying!! But there’s definitely no way regular jeans will fit me lol! Shorts work though! 🙂
Sleep: Still waking up multiple times at night, sadly. Mostly to go to the bathroom. Lately I’ve been able to fall right back asleep though, thankfully! Lets hope I didn’t just jinx myself.
Best Moment This Week: The Baby Shower! Everything was beautiful and Baby Girl got so many clothes, she won’t even be able to wear them all, lol!
Worst Moment This Week: Back pains, it sucks to be so uncomfortable all the time.
Miss Anything: Fitting into my regular clothes, and being able to sit for a while without my back or belly hurting.
Movement: Yes! She definitely responds to sounds now.
Cravings: Smoothies, cupcakes, steak.
Queasy or Sick: Still light headed here and there.
Have You Started To Show Yet: Yes!
Gender Prediction: It’s a girl!
Labor Signs: No, but I feel those Braxton Hicks everyone talked about!
Belly Button In or Out? Weird and flat, out sometimes but not really. I don’t know!
Wedding Rings On or Off? On.. But getting tighter and tighter!
Happy or Moody Most of the Time: Happy!
Looking Forward To: Getting everything ready for Baby Girl! Buy items I didn’t get from my registry, finishing laundry, packing our hospital bags, etc.
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