Weight Gain: About 28 pounds.
Stretch Marks? No!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂
Maternity Clothes: Yes. But been rocking the maxi dresses and maxi skirts cause the maternity jeans are baggy.
Sleep: Still waking up multiple times at night, especially to pee! So annoying and painful to get up.
Best Moment This Week: Feeling Baby Girl hiccup all the time. Even though I won’t lie, it tends to get annoying after 5 minutes lol, it’s like my stomach is having a mini seizure cause it’s tiny little baby shakes every second.
Worst Moment This Week: Going into my classroom and not being able to move things myself, unpack, lift things, get up on chairs to put things up on my wall.. Such a struggle!
Miss Anything: Fitting into my regular clothes, and being able to sit for a while without my back or belly hurting… That’s still a fact, and now my feet hurt so bad after being on them for a while.
Movement: Yes! She’s booty shaking and punching and kicking me all day.
Cravings: ICE ICE WATER! Super cold icy water with extra ice. I want it all day… But then PEE!!! Ohhhhh the struggle!
Queasy or Sick: Still light headed here and there.
Have You Started To Show Yet: Yes!
Gender Prediction: It’s a girl!
Labor Signs: No, but I feel those Braxton Hicks everyone talked about!
Belly Button In or Out? Weird and flat, out sometimes but not really. I don’t know!
Wedding Rings On or Off? On.. But getting tighter and tighter!
Happy or Moody Most of the Time: Happy!
Looking Forward To: Getting my classroom set up so I can be mentally ready for the new school year!