Back to School 2021

I cannot believe that BOTH of my babies are going to school this year!
Even though Owen will only be going for 3 hours a day – STILL!
My babies are so big!!!

Emma will be going to Elementary School, which is nuts!
She is going to be in a big school with kids from multiple grades, and have a larger class size.
She is so super excited though, and she had the best time checking out her classroom and meeting her teacher.

Emma loved her first day of school! She made a new friend named Harper, and she loves her classroom theme – zoo crew!
She loves her behavior chart, which is determined by banana colors.
Everyone starts on green, and they can move up to yellow which is the best, or down to brown with black being the worst – rotten banana!

She loves buying school lunch and says she eats it all!

Owen knew his teacher from the summer and he couldn’t wait to start in her class!
His friend Avery is in his class, and he says that she’s her best friend in school.
He also made a new friend named Donni.

He is very excited to learn about The Letter People!
He made the cutest little hand craft with a 1st day of school poem.

He said he had a GREAT first day!
I asked if he wants to go back tomorrow and he said “yes, of course”!

P.S.- Notice the Luigi & Mario he placed on the play kitchen so they could be in his photo!


As far as me, I’ll admit that I was watching the clock waiting until it was time to pick them up because I couldn’t wait to hear all about their first day of school!

But for real, both Emma & Owen love their teachers and their schools, and it makes me so so happy!

Glad to say that the first day of school went well for EVERYONE!

I can’t believe that I have some alone time during the day! It’s so quiet in the house which is weird – but I know that I’ll get used to it!

Here’s to an amazing school year!

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