How Far Along: 11 Weeks
Weight Gain: Around 3.5 pounds.
Stretch Marks? Nope!
Maternity Clothes: Not wearing any yet, I have a pair of black pants but they still fall off me. The band is comfy, but the pants are too big.
Sleep: Sleeping fine.
Best Moment This Week: Going to New York! Seeing the snow falling, feeling the cold.. Which got old really fast, but it was still so much fun!
Worst Moment This Week: Throwing up after a car ride. Ugh!
Miss Anything: OMG Hot Dogs! I wanted a nasty street hot dog so badly!!!! Dang it New York.
Movement: None! Come on!
Cravings: Still sweets. Fruits, candy.
Queasy or Sick: This week was both.
Have You Started To Show Yet: There’s a bump there!
Gender Prediction: Ahhhh I’m not sure!
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button In or Out? In
Wedding Rings On or Off? On
Happy or Moody Most of the Time: Happy!
Looking Forward To: Announcing the pregnancy to the world.