Weight Gain: About 37 pounds.
Stretch Marks? No, thank goodness we made it!
Maternity Clothes: Maxi Dresses all day!
Sleep: I’ve been sleeping fine, just getting really really hot at night even with the fan on top of me at full blast and the AC on 69. It’s so hot!
Best Moment This Week: Organizing the house and making sure everything is ready for baby, which it is, but no baby!
Worst Moment This Week: OMG! Waiting! Seriously, this wait sucks! I am so anxious to meet her and just hold her! I have done EVERYTHING to naturally induce labor and seriously, nothing works. Don’t believe those Old Wives’ Tales, clearly whatever worked for anyone is coincidence because I’ve been doing everything everyday for a week now, and no baby! So yeah, babies will come whenever THEY want!
Miss Anything: Feeling like myself, being able to do whatever I want!
Movement: Yes, and I am going to miss it so much! As much as I want her out of my belly, it will be so weird to not have her in there.
Cravings: Not anything specific anymore. I’m to the point where I just want raw fish, Subway, and a beer by the pool!
Queasy or Sick: Not really.
Have You Started To Show Yet: Yes!
Gender Prediction: It’s a girl!
Labor Signs: Just the contractions and lower back pain. Today (9/17) is finally my Due Date and there’s no sign of Baby Girl coming any time soon unfortunately. I thought it would be pretty cool for her to be here today!
Belly Button In or Out? Sometimes in, sometimes a liiiiiitle bit out!
Wedding Rings On or Off? Off. Hopefully they’ll fit right after baby is out! I miss my rings!
Happy or Moody Most of the Time: Happy, anxious, tired, hot…..
Looking Forward To: Just having this baby! Come onnnnnnn! I’m tired of looking at an empty nursery! I think this is what I’ll be looking forward to until she is out!