How Far Along: 14 Weeks
Weight Gain: 3-4 pounds still,
Stretch Marks? Nope!
Maternity Clothes: No, my clothes are getting a little tighter around the bump, but it’s not uncomfortable, so I’m ok for now!
Sleep: Fine. I get very hot though, AC has been on 69!
Best Moment This Week: Posting the pregnancy announcement online, 1 year wedding anniversary!
Worst Moment This Week: Getting a little sun burnt, I guess sensitive pregnant skin is really a thing!
Miss Anything: Raw fish!
Movement: I haven’t felt real movements, but I can feel bumps when I touch my belly.
Cravings: Fruits and sweets.
Queasy or Sick: Headaches man!!! Ugh!
Gender Prediction: I really don’t know!
Labor Signs: Nope!
Belly Button In or Out? In.
Wedding Rings On or Off? On.
Happy or Moody Most of the Time: Happy, but by the end of the night I’m done!
Looking Forward To: Our gender reveal party! I got some of the decor in the mail and set a date! Yay!