Weight Gain: About 30ish pounds.
Stretch Marks? No, come on only a little longer!
Maternity Clothes: I hate clothes right now.
Sleep: Napping a lot more now that I’m back to work!
Best Moment This Week: Talking to my doctor about my birth plan, finding out I’m 1 cm dilated. I truly truly LOVE my doctor, she’s amazing.
Worst Moment This Week: My back! Sciatica! Feeling weak.. Ugh. Baby Girl is kicking my ass. Having a melt down over my “messy” house lol, I just want everything clean and perfect.
Miss Anything: Feeling like myself.
Movement: Yes! Lots and lots and lots, especially at night.
Cravings: Nothing really this week, I guess Ramen Noodles, I’ve had lots of that.
Queasy or Sick: Yeah, pretty queasy actually, I thought I was going to pass out at work the other day, I didn’t understand it because I was fed and super hydrated, but still felt so weak.. Weird!
Have You Started To Show Yet: Yes!
Gender Prediction: It’s a girl!
Labor Signs: Cramps are happening now…
Belly Button In or Out? Weird and flat.
Wedding Rings On or Off? Off! My engagement ring still fits, but my wedding band got so tight I took it off before I had to get it cut off! Sad about it..
Happy or Moody Most of the Time: Happy!
Looking Forward To: Having my baby with me.