How Far Along: 5 Weeks
Gender: ???
Weight Gain: Maybe like 1 pound, but it’s mostly bloat.
Maternity Clothes: No
Sleep: Sleeping fine.. I’ve been going to bed earlier so I’ve been waking up at like 6/6:20ish every morning.
Best Moment This Week: Going trick or treating! Halloween is the best!
Worst Moment This Week: All the annoying rain!!
Miss Anything: Salami!
Movement: No
Cravings: I just want to be able to eat lunch meat again, honestly lol!
Queasy or Sick: Eh. Queasy sometimes but not really!
Have You Started To Show Yet: Kind of because I’m so bloated!
Gender Prediction: None yet…
Labor Signs: No!
Belly Button In or Out? In
Wedding Rings On or Off? On
Happy or Moody Most of the Time: Moody
Looking Forward To: Going to New Jersey & New York soon, but definitely anxious because that’s delaying my labs and blood work! 🙁