How Far Along: 16 Weeks
Weight Gain: About 5-6 pounds.
Stretch Marks? Nope!
Maternity Clothes: Not yet, but most of my tighter tops are now crop tops lol which is not good! I did go shopping for some new clothes that I’m excited about, that will fit me for a while. I have to go look at maternity clothes though.
Sleep: Fine!
Best Moment This Week: Laying out! A lot! Oh my gosh, I LOVE laying out, it’s my favorite thing to do when the weather is beautiful, I finally have a tan and I am so excited! I feel healthier and prettier and just all around much better!
Worst Moment This Week: Headaches, mini nausea sessions, weird feelings in my stomach. This pregnancy thing really takes getting used to!
Miss Anything: An ice cold beer by the pool. I guess you miss things when you know you can’t have them because I was never a fan of beer. And raw tuna. Oh my gosh I almost was bad and ate a piece! We went to sushi with my family and I was dying! I wanted it so bad! But I was a good mommy and only ate the cooked stuff.. Rough times.
Movement: Some.
Cravings: Raw Fish!! 🙁
Queasy or Sick: Headaches still. Blah.
Gender Prediction: I think it’s either going to be a boy or a girl. Ha.
Labor Signs: No, I’m terrified of labor, I haven’t really though about it until I saw a video the other day.. People! Stop posting crazy shit on Facebook! 🙁
Belly Button In or Out? In.
Wedding Rings On or Off? On.
Happy or Moody Most of the Time: Happy! Can’t stand the headaches though, OMG! 🙂
Looking Forward To: Pink or Blue!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is what I’ll look forward to till I find out haha!