How Far Along: 8 Weeks
Gender: No idea!
Weight Gain: Maybe 1 pound.
Maternity Clothes: No
Sleep: If I wake up in the middle of the night, it takes me a while to go back to sleep..
Best Moment This Week: Telling more people!
Worst Moment This Week: Lots of headaches, and everything smells awful!!!!!
Miss Anything: Not being grossed out by all the smells around me.
Movement: No
Cravings: Steak, fries, burgers, salty food.
Queasy or Sick: Queasy, but not too bad this week.
Have You Started To Show Yet: Some days yes, some days no. Depends on the bloat.
Gender Prediction: I guess maybe a boy? I don’t really have a feeling, but this pregnancy seems to be different than my first, so who knows!
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button In or Out? In
Wedding Rings On or Off? On
Happy or Moody Most of the Time: Mostly happy.
Looking Forward To: Finding out the gender so I can start shopping!
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